Just this week, Google and the Prado Museum in Spain made it possible to look at 14 of the museum's most popular works at a resolution that's 1,400 times greater then a regular ol' digital photo. This is quite remarkable. Never before have you been able to get soooo close to such great works of art. To be able to see every brush stroke and detail.
I recommend you check it out for yourself at Google earth. If you've never done google earth, you do have to go through a download process. And I have to admit, on my measly computer viewing was very slow.
I found this news out via an article in the FT entitled "Galleries, who needs them?" Which the author, Christopher Caldwell has an interesting point to make. Galleries were initially created to bring art to the masses. While yes, they do still do that - they also have a strongly elitist stench about them. Of course, standing in front of a masterpeice in person can never be replaced...but being able to get as close as you can now with these 14 works via Google Earth is pretty impressive.
Google Earth can be found here
FT article can be found here